Quote of the Day: Unbelievably Loopy Economics; CAP Finds That Demand Curves Slope Upward

    "The Center for American Progress, often called the think tank for the Obama White House, recently recommended another increase in the minimum wage to $8.25 an hour. Though the U.S. unemployment rate is 9.1%, the thinkers assert that a rising wage would "stimulate economic growth to the tune of 50,000 new jobs." So if the government orders employers to pay more to hire workers when they're already not hiring, they'll somehow hire more workers. By this logic, if we raised the minimum wage to $25 an hour we'd have full employment."

    ~WSJ editorial

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Quote of the Day: Unbelievably Loopy Economics; CAP Finds That Demand Curves Slope Upward

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How The Economic Miracle of Chile Increased Life Expectancy by Almost 22 Yrs. in Just Half a Century

    The top chart above helps to document graphically what has accurately been described as the “the economic miracle of Chile.” Up until the early 1980s, when the first round of economic reforms (1974–1983) were starting to have a positive effect, Chile’s economic performance was among the weakest of the Latin American countries, with annual increases of real GDP per capita averaging only 0.70% from 1913 to 1983. Additional economic reforms in 1985 and 1990 that included trade liberalization supercharged Chile’s economy, and annual growth in per capita output since 1983 has averaged an impressive 4.0% per year. Before the economic reforms, with only 0.70% annual growth, it took almost an entire century for living standards to double in Chile; living standards now double every 19 years with 4.0% real growth, and that’s a real economic miracle!

    A major factor in Chile’s amazing economic success has been its active pursuit since the 1990s of becoming one of the world’s most open and free markets. To help overcome its natural handicap of being a small and remote country, Chile has become a world leader in free trade, demonstrated by its free trade agreements with more than 50 countries around the world, giving its consumers and companies access to more than half of the world’s markets.

    The bottom chart above illustrates a major benefit of Chile's miraculous economic turnaround: a significant increase in life expectancy relative to its South American neighbors.  In 1960, life expectancy in Chile was only 57 years, much lower than Venezuela (59.5 years), Paraguay (63.8 years) and more than five years below Argentina (65.2 years).  By 2009, life expectancy in Chile increased to 78.7 years, the highest in all of the Americas except for Canada (80.89 years) and the United States (79.43 years).  That's an amazing increase of almost 22 years in life expectancy for Chileans, from 57 to 78.7 years, in just half a century. 

    Bottom Line: The "Chilean economic miracle" demonstrates that free market capitalism and free trade are the best paths to prosperity and a long life. 

    Thanks to Charles Musick for providing the life expectancy data. 

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How The Economic Miracle of Chile Increased Life Expectancy by Almost 22 Yrs. in Just Half a Century

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New Milestone for "New Age of Energy Abundance"

    Natural gas production in the U.S. set another new monthly record in April according to data released yesterday by the Energy Information Administration.  Gross withdrawals of natural gas increased to an all-time high of 78.58 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per day in April, up by 0.54% from the 78.16 Bcf a day in March, and up by almost 7% from production in April last year (see chart above).  

    This new natural gas production record is another new milestone for the ongoing success of the hydraulic fracturing method of extracting natural gas from deep shale rock that is bringing about a new age of energy abundance in the United States.  

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New Milestone for "New Age of Energy Abundance"

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State of the Union June 30, 2011

    June 30, 2011 online at www.uawlocal2250.com

    There will be 4 more members recalled Tuesday, July 5. The seniority date to hold the plant is 7-14-2008 with last four of 8000.

    Reminder: Tuesday, July 5 is a VR blackout day and the holiday pay qualifying day. Also, today is the final day for submitting referrals, which must be done by 11 pm. If you still need assistance, you can go to personnel at 1st and 2nd break or lunch and you need to have your gmid and password.

    The July schedule is out. Tuesday 7/5 is 10.6, Wednesday 7/6 and Thursday 7/7 are 10.7. After that, the daily production schedule is 10.3 for the remainder of the month with Friday 7/22 off.

    There will be another PSP auto-enrollment period running now through Friday July 29. You can call 1-800-489-4646 if you wish to opt out but you must do it by 7/29 at 4 pm. The first payroll deduction will occur on August 5 with a 3% contribution rate that can be increased or decreased during the enrollment period. Finally, employees who are automatically enrolled in the PSP will have the opportunity to request to have their contributions refunded, if such request is made within 90 days of their first contribution. You should be getting a letter in the mail with more plan details.

    From the Detroit News: President Barack Obama urged Congress to approve the Korea Free Trade agreement, saying it would boost the sale of U.S. vehicles. "You see a whole bunch of Korean cars here in the United States and you don't see any American cars in Korea," Obama said at a news conference today. U.S. carmakers shipped just over 13,000 vehicles to Korea last year — 1.1 percent of all salesthere — while Korean automakers exported 560,000 vehicles to the United States — 5 percent of sales. Of those U.S. exports to Korea, about 7,500 were from Detroit's Big Three automakers. The administration announced a deal in which it would send the Korea Free Trade deal — and free trade agreements with Panama and Colombia along with the extension of Trade Adjustment Assistance for workers displaced by foreign trade. But some Republicans oppose tying approval of the trade deal to extending trade assistance, including Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. The trade deal will keep the 2.5 percent U.S. tariff on autos in place until the fifth year. At the same time, Korea will immediately cut its tariff on U.S. auto imports in half, from 8 percent to 4 percent, and fully eliminate that tariff in the fifth year. It also protects U.S. automakers by letting the United States keep its 25 percent trucktariff until the eighth year and then phase it out by the 10th year while Korea eliminates its 10 percent tariff on U.S. trucks immediately.

    UAW opposes U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
    The UAW and its one million active and retired members have followed closely the negotiation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Colombia and the subsequent development of the Action Plan to deal with continued violence against labor union members and leaders.
    The UAW believes that the negotiation of bilateral and multilateral international trade agreements presents real opportunities to improve the labor and human rights of workers around the world. We commend the Obama administration's strong efforts to strengthen labor and human rights protections in Colombia through the Action Plan and through continuing discussions with Colombia, but we cannot support congressional action on the FTA until:
    (1) There is significant progress on the paramount moral issues surrounding the continued violence against unionists.
    (2) There is concrete evidence that the perpetrators of these crimes are being brought to justice.
    (3) There is an enforcement process for the Action Plan incorporated in either the FTA itself or congressional implementation of the legislation.
    Earlier this month, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), with which the UAW is affiliated, released its new Annual Survey on Trade Union Rights, confirming that Colombia remains the most dangerous place on earth for unionists: Last year, 49 people were murdered for their trade union activities - more than the rest of the world combined; 75 additional individuals received credible death threats; at least 2,500 unionists were arrested and thousands more fired from their jobs solely due to union membership.
    The Action Plan is not enforceable under the FTA, and the passage of the U.S.-Colombia FTA would seriously weaken the pressure on the Colombian government to fulfill its human rights obligations. The Colombian government has been unambiguously complicit in the abuse of labor and human rights, and the signing of the FTA would undermine workers' rights and the basic principles of freedom and justice.
    The UAW will be opposed to the Colombia FTA as long as our brothers and sisters in Colombia continue to be brutally murdered and violently intimidated. We support and will work closely with other American and Colombian unions in the struggle to improve conditions on the ground in Colombia before rewarding the Colombian government and corporations with trade benefits.

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State of the Union June 30, 2011

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North Dakota's Booming Oil Economy

    If there's any doubt that domestic drilling of oil and gas generate huge and significant positive economic benefits (more jobs, income, output, tax revenues, etc.), the booming economy in North Dakota provides a convincing case study.  The Peace Garden State's economy is doing so well on so many different measures, here are some highlights of its ongoing economic success:  

    1. Monthly oil production dipped slightly in April, but is above its year-ago level by 23% and above the April level two years ago  by 78.5% (see chart above).  Oil production this year has averaged more than 10.5 million barrels per month, which is double the monthly production levels in 2008, and triple the levels from five years ago. 

    2. Oil-related employment in North Dakota has more than doubled in just two years, from 6,800 jobs in May 2009 to 15,200 jobs in May of 2011.  While the national economy struggles with another "jobless recovery," North Dakota has continued to add jobs, and not just oil-related jobs.  The overall state employment level reached an all-time high in May and is 2.5% above the June 2009 level when the recession ended.     

    3. In the first quarter of 2011, North Dakota led the country with a 6.9% increase in personal income.  Second place Wyoming at 2.6% wasn't even close, and North Dakota's increase was almost four times the national average of 1.8%. 

    4. In 2010, North Dakota led the country with a 7.1% increase in real state GDP, almost three times the national average of 2.6%, and two full percentage points above the 5.1% growth for second-place New York.

    5. North Dakota continues to lead the country with the nation's lowest jobless rate.  In May, North Dakota's unemployment rate of 3.2% was lower than second-place Nebraska's rate of 4.1% by almost a full percentage point, and was almost six percentage points below the national rate of 9.1%.   

    6. As a result of North Dakota's booming oil-based economy, tax collections from 2009-2011 have exceeded projections by $237.5 million.  Through May, sales tax collections exceeded projections by 13% and income tax revenues by 10.6%. 

    Bottom Line: North Dakota's impressive economic success clearly illustrates some of the benefits of domestic energy production: more jobs, record economic growth, huge gains in personal income, and even more tax revenues.  There's no reason that the economic success of North Dakota can't be duplicated elsewhere, if we would only open up more U.S. land and off-shore areas to domestic energy exploration and drilling.   

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North Dakota's Booming Oil Economy

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Report Cards

    Imagine I give a test to the 37 students in my class. However, because of reasons uniquely relevant to many of the students, not all students are equally capable of passing the test.

    I hope all would view this test to be a bit empty.

    This post summarizes the OECD Working Group on Bribery Annual Report and Transparency International's Annual Progress Report of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

    For reasons discussed below, these two report cards suffer from the same dynamic described in the above hypothetical.

    In many OECD member countries there is no such thing as corporate criminal liability - or even if there is - such corporate liability can only be based on the actions of high-ranking executives or officers. This of course is materially different than in the U.S. where, under respondeat superior principles, a business organization can face legal liability (civil and criminal) based on the actions of any employee to the extent the employee was acting within the scope of his or her duties and to the extent the conduct was intended to benefit, at least in part, the organization.

    In most OECD member countries prosecuting authorities have two choices - to prosecute or not to prosecute - there is no such thing as non-prosecution or deferred prosecution agreements (NPAs/DPAs). Not so in the U.S. where the majority of these alternative resolution vehicles are used to resolve FCPA enforcement actions. As the OECD itself stated in its Phase 3 Report of U.S. enforcement of the FCPA - "it seems quite clear that the use of these agreements is one of the reasons for the impressive FCPA enforcement record in the U.S." (See here for the prior post). Former DOJ FCPA enforcement chief Mark Mendelsohn was asked directly – if the DOJ “did not have the choice of deferred or non prosecution agreements, what would happen to the number of FCPA settlements every year,” and he stated as follows: “if the Department only had the option of bringing a criminal case or declining to bring a case, you would certainly bring fewer cases.”

    In certain other OECD member countries, there is a compliance defense relevant to the prosecution of bribery and corruption offenses. (See here for the prior post).

    Given these differing dynamics (among others), it is fairly obvious why OECD member countries have varying degrees of enforcement of bribery and corruption offenses.

    With that in mind, on to the report cards.

    Transparency International Progress Report 2011 - Enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention

    On May 24th, Transparency International (TI) released (here) its seventh annual Progress Report on Enforcement of the OECD Convention.

    The report "shows no improvement in the enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in the past year and warns that this could signal a dangerous loss of momentum in the fight against corruption."

    The report covers 37 countries and "shows that there are still only seven countries with active enforcement, nine with moderate enforcement, and 21 with little or no enforcement." Huguette Labelle, Chair of TI, stated that "the collective commitment to stamp out foreign bribery made by all OECD parties is undermined when a large number of countries have inadequate enforcement."

    The introduction of the report includes the following statement.

    "Continued lack of enforcement in 21 countries a decade after the Convention entered into force, notwithstanding repeated OECD reviews, clearly indicates lack of political commitment by their governments. And in some of those with moderate enforcement, the level of commitment is also uncertain. This is a danger signal because the OECD Convention depends on the collective commitment of all parties to ending foreign bribery."

    The reports "major conclusions" include the following: "risk of loss of momentum" and "lack of political commitment."

    As to the former, the report states as follows. "The Convention has not yet reached the point at which the prohibition of foreign bribery is consistently enforced. With little or no enforcement by half of the signatory governments, backsliding by enforcing governments is a serious threat. This concern is aggravated in a troubled global economy in which companies are scrambling for business. Business organisations have increasingly criticised anti-bribery enforcement as a competitive obstacle. The present position of the Convention is unstable, and unless forward momentum is recovered, the progress made in the past decade could unravel."

    As to the "lack of political commitment", the report states as follows. "Reviews conducted by TI experts indicate that the principal cause of lagging enforcement is lack of political commitment by government leaders. In countries where there is committed political leadership, the OECD’s rigorous monitoring programme has helped improve laws and enforcement programmes. However, in the absence of political will, even repeated OECD reviews have little effect."

    Once again, Canada received a public lashing from TI.

    Under the heading "lack of progress in Canada," the report states as follows. "Canada is the only G7 country in the little or no enforcement category, and has been in this category since the first edition of this report in 2005. It is also the only OECD member that does not provide nationality jurisdiction, which presents a serious obstacle to enforcement. [...] TI welcomes that the government of Canada has publicly reported the number of investigations for the first time. It is promising that 23 foreign bribery investigations are under way. If these investigations lead to prosecutions, Canada may finally move out of the little or no enforcement category." (A future post will summarize the recent Canadian enforcement action against Niko Resources).

    TI's 2010 report (see here for the prior post) included reference to many big picture enforcement issues such as the use of negotiated settlements (NPAs and DPAs), judicial scrutiny of enforcement actions, and the proper amount of fines and penalties. However, TI's 2011 report was silent as to many big picture issues.

    OECD Working Group on Bribery Annual Report

    On April 20th, the OECD Working Group on Bribery released its annual report (here). The release (here) states as follows. "Most governments are not meeting their international commitments to clamp down on bribery and corruption in international business, with only five signatories to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention having sanctioned individuals or companies in the past year."

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Report Cards

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But At Least the Politicians Care... In Theory.

    Current teenage unemployment rates for May 2011:

    All teenagers: 24.2% 

    Black teenagers: 40.7%

    Male black teenagers: 45.1%

    Female black teenagers: 35.9%

    To paraphrase Larry Elder, let's sum up. Politicians and the mainscream media ignore market forces, don't care about the reality that demand curves slope downward, and overlook the significant adverse impacts of raising the minimum wage on teenage unemployment.  But hey, at least they care. In theory. Especially for minorities.

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But At Least the Politicians Care... In Theory.

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Wal-Mart Gets the Gold Medal For Employee Safety

    OSHA Enforcement Inspections, 2006-2011
    Inspections per 100,000 Employees
    Home Depot
    Whole Foods
    2,100,000 (1,400,000 U.S. only)
    10.2 (or 15.4 U.S. only)

    The table above shows: a) the number of OSHA enforcement inspections over the last five years for a sample of large U.S. companies, along with b) the number of employees at those companies (from Yahoo! Finance), and finally c) the number of OSHA inspections per 100,000 employees at those companies.  

    Note that when adjusted for the number of employees, Walmart has the best safety record by far among the group of retailers and manufacturers (Ford). Walmart's main competitor Target has almost six times more OSHA enforcement inspections, and Costco has twelve times as many.     

    Conclusion: Wal-Mart has a much better safety record than Target, Home Depot, Lowes, McDonald's, Whole Foods, Costco and Ford, when measured by inspections per employee, and therefore gets the Gold Medal for employee safety.

    Update: Even after adjusting for Walmart's U.S. employees only (1.4 million), and not adjusting any of the other companies for U.S. employees only, Walmart still comes out ahead with the best safety record per 100,000 employees.

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Wal-Mart Gets the Gold Medal For Employee Safety

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Stock Market Overview for 6/29/11

    During regular trading hours, there were many stocks that continued to break up to the upside. These stocks are usually going up  with news.If you are looking to day trade today, you might want to check out the following stocks. I usually throw these on my watch list and monitor with resistance & support levels. Below are a list of stocks that I am watching for June 28,2011. Also check out my Top 2011 Stock Gainers, Stocks to Buy 2011.You can also check previous stocks to buy reports- Right Here

    Top Stocks Performance of the day:These are  stocks that continued to break up to the upside or down side. These stocks are usually going up or down with news or technical.If you are looking to day trade, you might want to check out the following stocks.

    Top Gainers: ALAN, DL, CDTI, CHCI, LIVE, V
    New High:  CBD, MA,V,MPEL 
    Overbought:  CV,ALAN
    Unusual Volume:  ALAN, HIHO, SGOC, GLBS
    Upgrade: PRWT
    Earnings Before: GIS
    Insider Buying:  VHI
    Biggest Gainers 6/29/11 
    Composite Biggest Gainers 
    Ticker     Company     Change
    V    Visa, Inc.    15.00%
    RENN    Renren Inc. American Depositary    12.76%
    MMR    McMoRan Exploration Co.    12.55%
    MA    Mastercard Incorporated    11.31%
    MBI    MBIA Inc.    10.81%
    CRIC    China Real Estate Information Corporation    10.55%
    SPRD    Spreadtrum Communications Inc.    10.17%
    IO    ION Geophysical Corporation    9.92%
    CCIH    ChinaCache International Holdings Ltd.    8.82%
    QIHU    Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd. A    8.66%
    SM    SM Energy Company    8.62%
    NAK    Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd.    7.53%
    DANG    E-Commerce China Dangdang Inc.     7.09%
    AGO    Assured Guaranty Ltd.    7.05%
    IVN    Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.    6.96%
    CRZO    Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc.    6.61%
    EBAY    eBay Inc.    6.56%
    LOGI    Logitech International SA    6.49%
    AMCXV    AMC Networks Inc.    6.43%
    LIME    Lime Energy Co.    6.24%
    PXP    Plains Exploration & Production Company    6.19%
    MHR    Magnum Hunter Resources Corp.    6.18%
    X    United States Steel Corp.    5.86%
    QNST    QuinStreet, Inc.    5.63%
    MPEL    Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd.    5.58%
    GTE    Gran Tierra Energy, Inc.    5.52%
    ARIA    Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc.    5.42%
    TCB    TCF Financial Corporation    5.29%
    EXXI    Energy XXI (Bermuda) Limited    5.23%
    AKS    AK Steel Holding Corporation    5.15%
    LNN    Lindsay Corporation    5.14%
    SFY    Swift Energy Co.    5.12%
    UXG    US Gold Corporation    5.04%
    MON    Monsanto Co.    5.02%
    MOS    Mosaic Co.    4.97%
    XTXI    Crosstex Energy Inc.    4.96%
    SZYM    Solazyme, Inc.    4.91%
    SGY    Stone Energy Corp.    4.91%
    MS    Morgan Stanley    4.75%
    NDAQ    Nasdaq OMX Group Inc.    4.71%
    ERTS    Electronic Arts Inc.    4.70%
    SSRI    Silver Standard Resources Inc.    4.68%
    BJ    BJ's Wholesale Club Inc.    4.60%
    CPX    Complete Production Services, Inc.    4.51%
    GLNG    Golar LNG Ltd.    4.50%
    JOE    The St. Joe Company    4.40%
    SGI    Silicon Graphics International Corp.    4.36%
    LAZ    Lazard Ltd.    4.36%
    STEI    Stewart Enterprises Inc.    4.35%
    ZION    Zions Bancorp.    4.33%
    PPC    Pilgrim's Pride Corporation    4.33%
    ATI    Allegheny Technologies Inc.    4.32%
    PKD    Parker Drilling Co.    4.31%
    DATE    Jiayuan.com International Ltd.    4.27%
    CX    CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V.    4.23%
    IPXL    Impax Laboratories Inc.    4.21%
    IAG    IAMGOLD Corp.    4.19%
    TIVO    TiVo Inc.    4.14%
    PDC    Pioneer Drilling Co.    4.12%
    CSTR    Coinstar Inc.    3.97%
    CIE    Cobalt International Energy, Inc.    3.96%
    RTI    RTI International Metals, Inc.    3.96%
    AXTI    AXT Inc.    3.95%
    KOG    Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp.    3.94%
    BK    The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation    3.92%
    TCK    Teck Resources Limited    3.90%
    WG    Willbros Group Inc.    3.89%
    BRY    Berry Petroleum Co.    3.87%
    SGMS    Scientific Games Corporation    3.87%
    FSLR    First Solar, Inc.    3.86%
    SVU    SUPERVALU Inc.    3.84%
    CVE    Cenovus Energy Inc.    3.78%
    SREV    ServiceSource International, In    3.77%
    EGY    Vaalco Energy Inc.    3.75%
    MY    China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited    3.74%
    ING    ING Groep NV    3.73%
    SVNT    Savient Pharmaceuticals, Inc.    3.72%
    GIB    CGI Group, Inc.    3.72%
    RIG    Transocean Ltd.    3.66%
    SPR    Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc    3.66%
    FTI    FMC Technologies, Inc.    3.65%
    AMLN    Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.    3.64%
    PAAS    Pan American Silver Corp.    3.63%
    IOC    InterOil Corporation    3.63%
    AXL    American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings Inc.    3.62%
    NOK    Nokia Corporation    3.60%
    TK    Teekay Corporation    3.60%
    CBI    Chicago Bridge & Iron Company N.V.    3.59%
    GGB    Gerdau S.A.    3.59%
    NOG    Northern Oil and Gas, Inc.    3.58%
    NGD    New Gold, Inc.    3.57%
    REXX    Rex Energy Corporation    3.55%
    MTW    Manitowoc Co. Inc.    3.54%
    TLM    Talisman Energy Inc.    3.54%
    ISTA    ISTA Pharmaceuticals Inc.    3.53%
    OCN    Ocwen Financial Corp.    3.51%
    DRC    Dresser-Rand Group Inc.    3.51%
    OZM    Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC    3.49%
    KEG    Key Energy Services Inc.    3.48%

    Composite Biggest Losers
    Ticker     Company     Change
    EXFO    EXFO Inc    -16.87%
    OMN    OMNOVA Solutions Inc.    -15.66%
    KBH    KB Home    -15.44%
    CAAS    China Automotive Systems Inc.    -11.43%
    FIO    Fusion-io Inc.    -8.96%
    SHAW    Shaw Group Inc.    -7.68%
    GBX    Greenbrier Companies    -6.49%
    SIGM    Sigma Designs, Inc.    -6.22%
    ICGN    ICAgen Inc.    -5.60%
    PVA    Penn Virginia Corp.    -5.52%
    TQNT    TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc.    -5.38%
    SIGA    SIGA Technologies, Inc.    -5.28%
    YOKU    Youku.com Inc    -4.90%
    VRA    Vera Bradley Designs, Inc.    -4.88%
    CBOU    Caribou Coffee Company, Inc.    -4.64%
    SWSH    Swisher Hygiene Inc.    -4.63%
    CREE    Cree Inc.    -4.57%
    VVTV    ValueVision Media Inc.    -4.48%
    ACHN    Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.    -4.42%
    HRBN    Harbin Electric, Inc.    -4.40%
    ZUMZ    Zumiez, Inc.    -4.39%
    AHT    Ashford Hospitality Trust Inc.    -4.38%
    SSW    Seaspan Corp.    -4.22%
    GNK    Genco Shipping & Trading Ltd.    -4.08%
    MTL    Mechel OAO    -4.05%
    SWKS    Skyworks Solutions Inc.    -3.99%
    RYL    Ryland Group Inc.    -3.94%
    PHM    PulteGroup, Inc.    -3.93%
    CBD    Companhia Brasileira de Distribuicao    -3.75%
    TSM    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.    -3.67%
    MOBI    Sky-mobi Limited    -3.66%
    JDSU    JDS Uniphase Corporation    -3.64%
    ZAGG    ZAGG Incorporated    -3.58%
    MDC    MDC Holdings Inc.    -3.55%
    DHI    DR Horton Inc.    -3.23%
    LCC    US Airways Group, Inc.    -3.07%
    RPTP    Raptor Pharmaceuticals Corp.    -2.98%
    CBST    Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc.    -2.91%
    LEAP    Leap Wireless International Inc.    -2.72%
    SFN    SFN Group, Inc.    -2.71%
    LDK    LDK Solar Co., Ltd.    -2.60%
    MWW    Monster Worldwide, Inc.    -2.48%
    KOS    Kosmos Energy Ltd. Common Share    -2.41%
    MDT    Medtronic, Inc.    -2.36%
    AMR    AMR Corporation    -2.35%
    MCGC    MCG Capital Corporation    -2.28%
    GET    Gaylord Entertainment Co.    -2.27%
    HGSI    Human Genome Sciences Inc.    -2.22%
    SOLR    GT Solar International, Inc.    -2.20%
    ASIA    AsiaInfo-Linkage,Inc.    -2.18%
    SKH    Skilled Healthcare Group, Inc.    -2.11%
    FRO    Frontline Ltd.    -2.03%
    DAL    Delta Air Lines Inc.    -2.02%
    DPZ    Domino's Pizza, Inc.    -2.01%
    HMIN    Home Inns & Hotels Management Inc.    -1.98%
    HOGS    Zhongpin, Inc.    -1.97%
    ASX    Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc.    -1.95%
    AMRN    Amarin Corporation plc    -1.89%
    ERJ    Embraer SA    -1.89%
    BWS    Brown Shoe Co. Inc.    -1.84%
    SIMG    Silicon Image, Inc.    -1.83%
    ABH    AbitibiBowater Inc. Common Stoc    -1.81%
    OCZ    Ocz Technology Group Inc.    -1.80%
    RBCN    Rubicon Technology, Inc.    -1.79%
    BKS    Barnes & Noble, Inc.    -1.78%
    WBMD    WebMD Health Corp.    -1.73%
    TICC    TICC Capital Corp.    -1.70%
    LSCC    Lattice Semiconductor Corporation    -1.69%
    TFM    The Fresh Market, Inc.    -1.68%
    GSM    Globe Specialty Metals, Inc.    -1.67%
    OMX    OfficeMax Incorporated    -1.66%
    UFS    Domtar Corporation    -1.61%
    UAL    United Continental Holdings, Inc.    -1.59%
    CYH    Community Health Systems, Inc.    -1.58%
    HALO    Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.    -1.58%
    VIV    Vivo Participacoes S.A.    -1.57%
    TOL    Toll Brothers Inc.    -1.52%
    OPTR    Optimer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.    -1.50%
    NTAP    NetApp, Inc.    -1.50%
    AMGN    Amgen Inc.    -1.48%
    CHS    Chico's FAS Inc.    -1.48%
    ENTR    Entropic Communications, Inc.    -1.46%
    JBLU    JetBlue Airways Corporation    -1.46%
    LIFE    Life Technologies Corporation    -1.43%
    DDS    Dillard's Inc.    -1.40%
    VIT    VanceInfo Technologies Inc.    -1.40%
    WINN    Winn-Dixie Stores Inc.    -1.39%
    ONTY    Oncothyreon Inc    -1.38%
    FINL    Finish Line Inc.    -1.38%
    GME    GameStop Corp.    -1.37%
    ARMH    ARM Holdings plc    -1.36%
    GLUU    Glu Mobile, Inc.    -1.35%
    CSR    China Security & Surveillance Technology, Inc.    -1.35%
    FMCN    Focus Media Holding Ltd.    -1.34%
    ULTA    Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance, Inc.    -1.31%
    WNC    Wabash National Corp.    -1.31%
    CFN    CareFusion Corporation    -1.29%
    CCC    Calgon Carbon Corporation    -1.29%

    For Market TA analysis
    Stock Market  Closing Price 6/29/11

    Dow +0.6% to 12261. S&P +0.83% to 1307. Nasdaq +0.41% to 2740.Treasurys: 30-year -0.63%. 10-yr -0.43%. 5-yr -0.2%.Commodities: Crude +2.25% to $94.98. Gold +0.09% to $1511.70.Currencies: Euro +0.44% vs. dollar. Yen +0.36%. Pound +0.39%.

    SP 500
    Long term signals : Bullish
    Short term signals : Neutral

    Stop  @ 1250
    QQQ (Nasdaq 100) : Bullish, stop @ 55
    INDU: Bullish, stop @11000
    COMPQ:Bullish, stop @ 2600
    Top trend : Techs  
    Value : Financial

    Euro Dollar : Bullish
    US Dollar index : Bearish  
    Gold : Bearish, stop @ 1330
    10 Y US Yield : Bullish, above 2.8 stop
    30 Y US Bond : Short, stop @ 132

    World Market
    UK's FTSE:  Bullish, stop @ 5700
    Germany's DAX: Bullish, stop @ 6340
    France's CAC: Bullish, stop @ 3800
    Shanghai : Bullish
    Japan Nikkei : Bullish

    Support for the SPX remains at 1288 and then 1258, with resistance at 1315 and then 1330.So we should trade small lot.Take a look all 1/5/15/60m chart if we want to trade this market. 

    I also have  technical analysis different stocks-Right Here.
    Take a look some market indicator charts- Click all charts
    $SPX - 60 min
    $CPC daily
    $SPX, $USD & $VIX
    INDEX Bullish percent index (EOD)
    Simple Trading System  
    QQQQ Daily 

    FOR 06/30 SPX resistance, pivot & support
    Resistance R3 1324.49, R2 1316.85, R1 1312.13
    Pivot Point 1304.49
    Support  S1 1299.77, S2 12292.13 S3 1287.41


    For the latest updates on the stock market, visit,

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Stock Market Overview for 6/29/11

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State of the Union June 29, 2011

    June 29, 2011 online at www.uawlocal2250.com

    From the Wall Street Journal: The United Auto Workers union plans to kick off contract negotiations next month with Detroit auto makers, the industry's first labor talks since the U.S. bailout gave union trusts stakes in General Motors Co. and Chrysler LLC. The UAW's national bargaining committee will gather on July 11 to prepare for talks with GM, according to a person familiar with the union's timetable. Other groups are expected to convene later in the month to work out strategies for talks with Chrysler and Ford Motor Co. The union and the auto makers are expected to mark the ceremonial start of the talks on July 27. The union will push the three to commit to building new cars and trucks in the U.S. It plans to ask GM, for instance, to reopen factories in Spring Hill, Tenn., and Janesville, Wis., closed during GM's bankruptcy restructuring, said Joe Ashton, the UAW official leading negotiations with GM. A UAW spokeswoman declined to comment. The UAW has signaled it wants to raise the $14-an-hour entry-level wage agreed to four years ago. It also has said it is open to discussing wider use of profit-sharing plans instead of fixed-pay increases. It also may vie for seats on the boards of the auto companies.

    From the Detroit Free Press: TRW Automotiveand the UAW began contract talks this week for workers at a plant in Saginaw that employs about 600 workers. The Livonia-based autosupplier purchased the plant, which makes brake assemblies for General Motors, in 2008 from Delphi, said company spokesman John Wilkerson. The plant is represented by UAW Local 467. Wilkerson declined to comment on the major issues up for negotiation this year. TRW, a maker of brakes, steering, suspension systems and airbags, earned $281 million for the first three months of the year.

    From the AP: Toyota Motor Corp. said today it will recall about 82,200 hybrid SUVs in the U.S. due to computer boards with possible faulty wiring. The car giant said the recall will involve Highlander and Lexus brand hybrid SUVs from its 2006 and 2007 lines. The action covers just the vehicles sold in the U.S., with no other models affected. Today's recall involves about 45,500 Highlander Hybrid and 36,700 Lexus Rx 400h vehicles, the company's U.S. subsidiary said in a press release. Toyota said the affected vehicles' hybrid system has a computer board with inadequate soldering that could be damaged during high-load driving. If damage were to occur, the company said the vehicles would either continue to operate under reduced power for a short distance, or coast to a stop.

    From Autoobserver.com: In what is likely to be the opening round in a months-long battle to lock in next-generation federal fuel efficiency standards, the Obama administration has floated the idea of setting a 56.2 miles per gallon fleet average requirement for all light vehicles by 2025, a compromise between the 47 mpg the auto industry was asking for and the 62 mpg the environmental community wants to see. The administration is estimating that hiking the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard to 56.2 miles per gallon from the 35.5 mpg requirement already set for 2016 would add from $2,100 to $2,600 to the initial price of a new vehicle in 2025 – but would result in lifetime fuel savings of $5,500 to $7,000. The initial buyer would have to own the vehicle for at least three years to recoup the initial price premium through fuel savings. The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, which represents most of the major auto companies active in the U.S., is suggesting that although the 56.2-mpg target represents what is technologically possible, it ignores some potentially high costs. Making cars lighter to improve fuel economy also can make them less safe, said AAM vice president Gloria Bergquist. Raising CAFE to that level also could reduce consumers' choices by forcing the industry to stop making some of the largest and thirstiest vehicles – pickups and SUVs. All that, along with the higher prices automakers would have to charge for such efficiency-optimized vehicles could slash annual sales and further reduce auto industry employment in the process, she added.

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State of the Union June 29, 2011

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On Behalf of Eyebrow Threaders, The Institute for Justice Goes Up Against The AZ Cosmetology Cartel

    The video above is about the Institute for Justice's latest heroic effort to defend small businesses and entrepreneurs against economic protectionism, empower individuals to earn an honest living, and promote economic liberty.  Here's a summary:
    "Eyebrow threading is a natural and safe method of hair removal that uses a single strand of cotton thread to remove unwanted hair, most commonly from the eyebrows, with no chemicals, dyes, hot wax or sharp objects. But state bureaucrats have decided that threaders cannot practice their trade without first obtaining an unnecessary and expensive government license. The Arizona Board of Cosmetology is now requiring skilled threaders to obtain an aesthetician license, which requires at least 600 hours of classroom instruction—not one hour of which teaches or tests threading—and that can cost over $10,000. But threaders do not need full-blown cosmetology training.

    That is why a group of five threaders have filed Gutierrez v. Aune, a lawsuit to vindicate their economic liberty, which is the right to earn an honest living free from unreasonable government regulation. This lawsuit continues the Institute for Justice Arizona Chapter’s ten-year fight to vindicate economic liberty as a fundamental and constitutionally protected right under the Arizona Constitution."

    Related: The Arizona Republic newspaper defends the eyebrow threaders' right to earn an honest living in an editorial today titled "Leave Eyebrow-threaders Alone."

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On Behalf of Eyebrow Threaders, The Institute for Justice Goes Up Against The AZ Cosmetology Cartel

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2,000 Yrs. in One Chart: 23% of all Goods, Services Made Since 1 A.D. Were Produced This Decade!

    The chart above is from The Economist and shows a "population-weighted history of the past two millennia" based on "economic output" and "years lived."  According to The Economist:

    "By this reckoning, over 28% of all the history made since the birth of Christ was made in the 20th century. Measured in years lived, the present century, which is only ten years old, is already "longer" than the whole of the 17th century. This century has made an even bigger contribution to economic history. Over 23% of all the goods and services made since 1AD were produced from 2001 to 2010." 

    MP: It also looks like more economic output was produced in the 20th century than in the previous 19 centuries combined.

    HTs: Robert Kuehl and Steve Bartin

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2,000 Yrs. in One Chart: 23% of all Goods, Services Made Since 1 A.D. Were Produced This Decade!

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Inconsistencies in Reporting U.S. Trade Data? Is the BEA Following the Cash, or the Goods and Assets?

    The BEA released data today on the "U.S. Net International Investment Position at Yearend 2010" with these highlights:
    • The U.S. net international investment position at yearend 2010 was -$2,471.0 billion, as the value of foreign investments in the United States ($22,786 billion) continued to exceed the value of U.S. investments abroad ($20,315 billion).   
    • There was a -$74.6 billion change in the U.S. net investment position from yearend 2009 to yearend 2010 that primarily reflected net foreign acquisitions of financial assets in the United States that exceeded net U.S. acquisitions of financial assets abroad.
    • Foreign acquisitions of financial assets in the United States were $1,245.7 billion in 2010, up substantially from $335.8 billion in 2009.
    • U.S. acquisitions of financial assets abroad were $1,005.2 billion in 2010, up substantially from $139.3 billion in 2009. 
    MP: This analysis seems to depart from the way the BEA calculates trade data in the following way:

    1. When U.S. imports (cash out) exceed exports (cash in), it gets reported by the BEA as a "trade deficit" because the accounting logic is based on following the cash, and not the goods.  Because the "cash out" for imports is greater than the "cash in" for exports, there is a "net cash outflow" from the U.S. to our trading partners, and we call this a "trade deficit."  

    2. When the BEA calculates the international investment position, it seems to depart from following the cash, and switches to following the assets.  The fact that the value of foreign investments in the United States ($22,786 billion) exceeds the value of U.S. investments abroad ($20,315 billion) means that there has been a net inflow, or capital surplus, into the  U.S. of $2,471 billion.   And yet the BEA reports this as a negative -$2,471 billion because of the switch from following the cash (+$2,471 billion inflow) to following who ends up with the assets. 

    Likewise, the BEA reports a -$74.6 billion annual change in the U.S. net investment position for 2010 because of a $74.6 billion capital inflow, or as the BEA stated because "net foreign acquisitions of financial assets in the United States exceeded net U.S. acquisitions of financial assets abroad" last year. 

    Why the switch from following where the cash ends up (and not goods) when reporting trade data for the U.S., to following where the asset ownership ends up (and not the cash) when reporting the net international investment position for the U.S.?

    If the government reported trade statistics the way it reports our net investment position, the BEA would follow where the goods end up and not where the cash ends up. In that case, it seems like the BEA would report our "trade deficit" instead as a "trade surplus."  Reason? We acquire more output produced in foreign countries in a given quarter or year than the output our trading partners acquire that was produced in the U.S. during that time period.  In terms of which country ends up with the most "stuff" on net, the U.S. would be running a "trade/stuff/output surplus," and not a deficit.  It's only because the BEA tracks which country ends up with the most "money" on net, and not the most "goods" on net, that the BEA reports a "trade deficit" for the U.S.

    Alternatively, if the BEA reported the U.S. net international investment position the way it reports trade data, shouldn't it be reporting a positive $2,471 billion net investment position overall and a positive $74.6 surplus for 2010?  

    The BEA is apparently reporting the the U.S. currently has both a "trade deficit" and an "international investment" deficit?  How can that be?

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Inconsistencies in Reporting U.S. Trade Data? Is the BEA Following the Cash, or the Goods and Assets?

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Chart of the Day: Motorcycle Deaths by Age

    The chart above shows the percentage of annual motorcycle deaths represented by the youngest age group (< 29 years) and the oldest group (> 50 years), according to annual data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for the years 1975 to 2009.  In 1975, 80% of motorcycle fatalities were in the youngest age group and that percentage fell over time; only 3% of the deaths were in the older age group in 1975 and that share increased over time (see chart).  It's interesting to note that by 2009, the share of motorcycle deaths for the older group (31%) exceeded the share of deaths for the younger group (26%) for the first time ever.   

    I assume these trends in motorcycle deaths reflect the popularity of motorcycles among the baby boom generation, who started driving motorcycles when they were younger and have continued to drive bikes as they age.  Meanwhile, if motorcycles have become less popular among young people in their 20s, the two demographic trends would explain why the share of motorcycle deaths represented by the 50+ age group is increasing, and was greater in 2009 than the younger age group's share of deaths.   

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Chart of the Day: Motorcycle Deaths by Age

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State of the Union June 28, 2011

    June 28, 2011 online at www.uawlocal2250.com

    Reminder: The deadline for the team member referral process is Thursday, June 30 at 11 pm. Once again, this must be done through the mySocrates website at https://mygm.gm.com. If you are having difficulty with the mySocrates website you can call 1-888-337-2400. If you are having difficulty with the referral website you can call 1-800-973-1465. You can also come to personnel at first and second break or lunch time for assistance in completing the process, but you must have your gmid and password.

    Unfortunately, Brother Jerry Ploch did not win the Fox 2 St. Louis “Summer R&R in Your Backyard” contest yesterday. However he would like to thank everyone who voted for his entry.

    From the Detroit Free Press: The head of General Motors' North American operations says that new contract talks with the UAW will be different from the contentious bargaining of the past. Mark Reuss, GM president for North America, said Monday that the two sides have been talking informally for 18 months about items that can benefit the company and the union. The formal start to the talks is scheduled for July 27. Although he characterized the talks as amicable, Reuss conceded that there will be give-and-take as the company and union stake out their demands. He revealed few details of GM's wish list, although he said the automaker wants its factories to be more flexible so they can change quickly to build modelsthat are in high demand. "Some of the stuff we want is a good thing for the union, and some of the stuff the union wants is a good thing for the company," he said. "Being flexible and agile, for instance, everybody wins."

    From Automotive News: UAW President Bob King says a lack of independent labor unions in Mexico explains why auto workers there remain impoverished despite a booming car industry. Many Mexican employers have unions, but they predominantly are "protectionist unions" that work on behalf of companies to hold down compensation and preserve production, King says. These protectionist unions won't hold democratic elections for officers or subject labor agreements to a vote by members, he says. "In Brazil, 36 million people have moved out of poverty in recent years because of what free labor unions have fought for," King says. "You haven't seen that in Mexico." (In contrast to IHS Automotive’s estimate of Mexican autoworker wages and benefits of $3.75 an hour, Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography says the average wage and benefit package for Mexican auto assembly workers is $6.94 an hour. The minimum wage by law in Mexico is about $5 a day.)

    Apologies for the glitch-ridden broadcast of the Dan Akerson/Mary Barra town hall meeting yesterday. Here are some excerpts taken from video clips posted on the Socrates website:
    o DA: “We’ve made more money in the last year than we did in the prior 10 years and yet our margins are half of what some of our competition is.”
    o DA: “The biggest concern is we’re not as productive as our competitors around the globe and we’re going to have to reduce complexity.”
    o DA: “We need suggestions. The best ideas come from those who are engaged on a day-to-day basis.”
    o MB: “We have the highest rate of engineers that are not working directly on vehicle programs.”
    o DA: “We had (around) 30 boards to pass on various decisions – that had just been here for years – that were eliminated (last week).”
    o DA: “We’re in the 1st or 2nd inning…This is going to be a long march. But we now have the requisites to drive this company to great. (GM was) More positive in J.D. Power. It’s good but we need it to be great. All great organizations are defined by people.”
    o DA: “We’ve got to get better and we’ve got to do it faster”
    •    From the Wall Street Journal: Moody’s Investor Service Tuesday cut Toyota Motor Corp.’s senior unsecured long-term credit ratings to Aa2 from Aa3, saying it will take time for Japan’s biggest auto maker to return to “strong profitability” as it tackles the strong yen as well as the effects of the March 11 disasters. In a statement, Moody’s – which in April put Toyota under review for a possible downgrade – warned that a further ratings cut remains a possibility. Toyota’s final ratings “incorporate one notch of support from the country’s banks and government, which are themselves under review for possible downgrade,” the credit rating firm said. “Moody’s expects Toyota will gradually improve its operating profit margin to 3%-5% (in the year ending March 2013), but it may take some time to regain its strong profitability, that is more than 5% operating margin on a sustainable basis.” Standard & Poor’s Rating agency cut its rating on Toyota to AA- just days before the March 11 earthquake, citing “weak profitability.” S&P went on to cut its outlook on all of Japan’s major auto makers to negative late in April in the disaster’s aftermath.

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State of the Union June 28, 2011

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The Iron Law of Intervention

    Economist Art Carden identifies what he calls an Iron Law of Intervention in his recent Forbes column: "If you want to make a problem worse, pass a law to fix it."

    Art illustrates the law by explaining how price gouging laws actually make conditions much worse, not better, for the victims of natural disasters like the recent tornadoes in Alabama and Missouri.

    Other examples of the Iron Law would be: a) rent control laws, which worsen shortages of affordable housing, and b) minimum wage laws that make unskilled workers worse off, not better off. 

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The Iron Law of Intervention

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Semi-Annual Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling Rant: Why Is This Simple Grammar Rule SO Difficult?

    Please indulge me in my semi-annual supercilious grammar - punctuation - spelling rant. Here's some background, here's the rule, and here are some recent examples below from CD comments of the misuse of "it's" for "its."  Excuse my snobbish confusion, but I still can't figure how or why such a simple rule (from about the third grade maybe?) gives so many intelligent people so much trouble?  "It's" is a contraction for "it is" and if you can't substitute "it is" for "it's" you should be using "its" (possessive) and not "it's."

    1. You simply list every evil regime you can think of and then credit it's existence and it's crimes to the U.S.

    2. The fact that the US imports most of it's oil from Canada and not the Saudis is irrelevant.

    3. The age of the US truck fleet is at it's highest level since the interstate highway system.

    4. That was were I was headed with my question about government and it's role.

    5. That is natural law in it's pure form.

    6. If you took the whole earth and broke it up into piles of it's constituent components....

    7. Any state that wants to operate it's own system with it's own rules can do so including their own version of block grants.

    Suggestion: Spend just five minutes thinking about this rule, and you'll know it and "own it" for life, and the misuse of it's will "stand out like a sore thumb" when you see it in print.

    Comments welcome.

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Semi-Annual Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling Rant: Why Is This Simple Grammar Rule SO Difficult?

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Dan Mitchell: Replace Medicaid with Block Grants

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Dan Mitchell: Replace Medicaid with Block Grants

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The Compliance Defense Around The World

    As highlighted in this prior post, numerous FCPA reform bills in the 1980's included a specific defense which stated a company would not be held vicariously liable for a violation of the FCPA’s anti-bribery provisions by its employees or agents, who were not an officer or director, if the company established procedures reasonably designed to prevent and detect FCPA violations by employees and agents. An FCPA reform bill containing such a provision did pass the U.S. House, but was not enacted into law.

    Amending the FCPA to include a compliance defense is one of the U.S. Chamber's FCPA reform proposals (see here). In November 2010, Andrew Weissman, on behalf of the Chamber, testified in favor of a compliance defense (and other reform proposals) during the Senate's FCPA hearing (see here for the prior post) and during the House hearing earlier this month (see here for the prior post), former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, on behalf of the Chamber, also testified in favor of a compliance defense (and other reform proposals).

    During the House hearing, there appeared to be bi-partisan support for consideration of an FCPA compliance defense.

    Even so, Greg Andres, testifying on behalf of the DOJ, stated that a potential FCPA compliance defense was "novel and risky" and that the "time is not right to consider it."

    Public debate on a potential compliance defense has thus far focused, from a comparative standpoint, on the United Kingdom and Italy.

    The purpose of this post is to further inform the public debate on a potential compliance defense by highlighting various compliance-like defenses around the world in other countries that are signatories (like the U.S.) to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

    This post is further to my work in progress - Revisiting an FCPA Compliance Defense - and represents hours of research analyzing 38 OECD Country Reports.

    The post provides an overview of compliance-like defenses in the following OECD Convention signatory countries: Australia, Chile, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland. [The U.K. Bribery Act, set to go live on July 1st, also contains a compliance-like defense in Section 7].

    A first reaction might be - only 12 of the 38 OECD member countries have a compliance-like defense.

    However, this number must be viewed against the backdrop of the following dynamics: (i) in many OECD Convention signatory countries, the concept of legal person criminal liability (as opposed to natural person criminal liability) is non-existent; and (ii) in many OECD Convention signatory countries that do have legal person criminal liability, such legal person liability can only result from the actions of high-level executive personnel or other so-called "controlling minds" of the legal person.

    Obviously if a foreign country does not provide for legal person liability, there is no need for a compliance defense, and the rationale for a compliance defense is less compelling if legal exposure can result only from the conduct of high-level executive personnel or other "controlling minds."

    When properly viewed against these dynamics, a compliance-like defense (whether specifically part of a foreign country's "FCPA-like" law or otherwise generally part of a foreign country's legal principles) is far from a "novel" idea, but rather common among OECD Anti-Bribery Convention signatory countries that - like the U.S. - have legal person criminal liability that can attach based on the conduct of non-executive officers or other "controlling minds."

    [The below information is based strictly on OECD country reports and is subject to the qualification that in many instances the most recent information concerning a particular country may be several years old. If anyone has more recent information concerning any particular country, how the compliance defense in a particular country has worked in practice, or any other relevant information, please leave a comment on this site or contact me at mjkoehle@butler.edu]



    Australian law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on December 18, 1999.

    Thereafter, a section of the Criminal Code on corporate criminal liability came into full force establishing an organizational model for the liability of legal persons. “Bodies corporate” are liable for offences committed by “an employee, agent or officer of a body corporate acting within the actual or apparent scope of his or her employment, or within his or her actual or apparent authority” where the body corporate “expressly, tacitly, or impliedly authorised or permitted the commission of the offence”.

    Pursuant to the Criminal Code, authorisation or permission by the body corporate may be established in the following ways: (1) the board of directors intentionally, knowingly or recklessly carried out the conduct, or expressly, tacitly or impliedly authorised or permitted it to occur; (2) a high managerial agent intentionally, knowingly or recklessly carried out the conduct, or expressly, tacitly or impliedly authorised or permitted it to occur; (3) a corporate culture existed that directed, encouraged, tolerated or led to the offence; or (4) the body corporate failed to create and maintain a corporate culture that required compliance with the relevant provision.

    However, under the Criminal Code, “if a high managerial agent is directly or indirectly involved in the conduct, no offence is committed where the body corporate proves that it “exercised due diligence to prevent the conduct, or the authorisation or permission."


    Chilean law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on October 8, 2002.

    In December 2009, a separate Chilean law entered into force establishing criminal responsibility of legal persons for a limited list of offences including bribery of foreign public officials.

    In order for a legal person to be held responsible for a foreign bribery offence, the following “three cumulative requirements” must be satisfied: (1) the offence must be committed by a person acting as a representative, director or manager, a person exercising powers of administration or supervision, or a person under the “direction or supervision” of one of the aforementioned persons; (2) the offence must be committed for the direct and immediate benefit or interest of the legal entity. No offence is committed where the natural person commits the offence exclusively in his/her own interest or in the interest of a third party; and (3) the offence must have been made possible as a consequence of a failure of the legal entity to comply with its duties of management and supervision. An entity will have failed to comply with its duties if it violates the obligation to implement a model for the prevention of offences, or when having implemented the model, it was insufficient."

    As to the final element, the OECD report states as follows. “The final cumulative requirement for responsibility stresses that the offence must have been made possible as a consequence of the failure of the legal person to comply with its duties of administration and supervision. The entity will have failed to comply with its duties if it violated the obligation to implement a model for the prevention of offences, or when having implemented the model, the latter was insufficient. It shall be considered that the functions of direction and supervision have been met if, before the commission of the offense, the legal person had adopted and implemented organization, administration and supervision models, pursuant to the following article, to prevent such offenses as the one committed.”

    The minimum features of a prevention system under the law are as follows: identify the different activities or processes of the entity, whether habitual or sporadic, in whose context the risk of commission of the offences emerges or increases; establish protocols, rules and procedures that permit persons involved in above-mentioned activities or processes to program and implement their tasks or functions in a manner that prevents the commission of the indicated offences; identify procedures for the administration and auditing that allow the entity to impede their use in the listed offences; establish internal administrative sanctions, as well as procedures for reporting or pursuing pecuniary responsibility against persons who violate the prevention system; introduce the above-mentioned duties, prohibitions and sanctions into the internal regulations of the legal person, and ensure that they are known by all persons bound to apply it (workers, employees, and service providers).

    The OECD report states - as to the minimum requirements as follows. “It also aims to introduce a system of self-regulation by companies. Having a code of conduct on paper will not be sufficient to avoid responsibility. If prosecutors can prove that the code does not meet the minimum requirements of or that it is not implemented, the company can be responsible for the offence.”

    Under Chilean law, “the failure to comply with duties of management and supervision is an element of the offence rather than a defence. Therefore the burden of proof lies on prosecutors, i.e. it will be up to prosecutors to prove that the entity failed to comply with its duties of management and supervision.”

    The OECD report notes as follows. “This will require prosecutors to prove that the company failed in the design and/or implementation of the offense prevention model including why, in the circumstances, the prevention model was insufficient. This would appear to also require the prosecutor to establish that this failure made perpetration of the offence possible.”

    As noted in the OECD report, the Chilean “standard of liability is inspired from the Italian system of liability of legal persons" (discussed below).


    German law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on February 15, 1999.

    German law establishes the liability of legal persons, including liability for the foreign bribery offence, under an administrative (i.e. non-criminal form) act.

    Pursuant to the administrative act, “the liability of legal persons is triggered where any “responsible person” (which includes a broad range of senior managerial stakeholders and not only an authorised representative or manager), acting for the management of the entity commits i) a criminal offence including bribery; or ii) an administrative offence including a violation of supervisory duties which either violates duties of the legal entity, or by which the legal entity gained or was supposed to gain a “profit”.”

    As noted in the OECD report, “in other words, Germany enables corporations to be imputed with offences i) by senior managers, and, somewhat indirectly, ii) with offences by lower level personnel which result from a failure by a senior corporate figure to faithfully discharge his/her duties of supervision.”

    The OECD report states that the “standards for a violation of supervisory duties include consideration of factors such as whether the company has in place a monitoring system or in-house regulations for employees.”


    Hungarian law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on March 1, 1999.

    In 2004, a separate law was enacted specifying the individuals whose actions can trigger the liability of the legal person.

    The OECD report states as follows. “The specific persons and additional conditions for liability are defined as follows: (i) the bribery is committed by one of the members or officers [of the legal entity] entitled to manage or represent it, or a supervisory board member and/or their representatives acting within the legal scope of activity of the legal person ; (ii) the bribery is committed by one of the members of the legal entity or an employee acting within the legal scope of activity of the legal person provided the bribery could have been prevented by the chief executive fulfilling his supervisory or control obligations; and (iii) the bribery is committed by a third party individual, provided that the legal entity’s member or officer entitled to manage or represent the it had knowledge of the facts.”

    According to the OECD report, the relevant law does not provide any guidance as to the necessary degree of supervision to avoid liability for bribery.


    Italian law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on October 26, 2000.

    Under Italian law, “criminal liability cannot be attributed to legal persons” however, “administrative liability may be attributed to legal persons for certain criminal offences (including foreign bribery) committed by a natural person.

    The relevant administrative decree provides a “defence of organisational models” to a body which makes reasonable efforts to prevent the commission of an offence.

    The OECD report states as follows. “… [A] body is not liable for offences committed by persons in senior positions if it proves the following. First, before the offence was committed, the body’s management had adopted and effectively implemented an appropriate organisational and management model to prevent offences of the kind that has occurred. Second, the body had set up an autonomous organ to supervise, enforce and update the model. Third, this autonomous organ had sufficiently supervised the operation of the model. Fourth, the perpetrator committed the offence by fraudulently evading the operation of the model.” The defence of organisation models operates as a full defence which completely exculpates a legal person.

    The relevant administrative decree stipulates the essential elements of an acceptable organisational model described in the OECD report as follows. “First, the model must identify activities which may give rise to offences. Second, the model must define procedures through which the body makes and implements decisions relating to the offences to be prevented. It must also prescribe procedures for managing financial resources to prevent offences from being committed. Third, the model must oblige the internal organ responsible for supervision and enforcement to provide information to the body. Finally, the model must include a disciplinary system for non-compliance.”


    Japanese law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on February 15, 1999 .

    “Under Japanese law, criminal responsibility of a legal person is based on the principle that the company did not exercise due care in the supervision, selection, etc. of an officer or employee to prevent the culpable act.

    The burden rests on the legal person to prove that due care was exercised. Where a legal person raises the defence, a person must be identified as having exercised due care, etc., and the court must determine whether it was exercised properly having regard to the nature of the legal person and the circumstances of the case.”


    Korean law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on February 15, 1999.

    Korean law establishes the criminal responsibility of legal persons for the bribery of a foreign public official, however, a legal person is exempt from liability where it has paid “due attention” or exercised “proper supervision” to prevent the offence.

    The statute itself does not provide information about what constitutes “due attention” or “proper supervision.” A representative of the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office informed the OECD that “the exemption is triggered when a director or ‘superior person’ exercises due attention.” The Explanatory Manual published by the Ministry of Justice states that “it is difficult to standardize the extent of attention or supervision in deciding whether a legal person can be exempted from criminal punishment.” The Explanatory Manual further states that whether the exemption applies depends upon “general circumstances such as the motive and background that led to the bribery, intervention of exclusive members of the legal person, whether it was informed earlier, and how much effort was usually made by the corporation to prevent bribery, etc.” and that companies involved in international business must prevent violations of the law by all employees and executives of the company “through sufficient necessary management”.


    Polish law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on February 4, 2001.

    Polish law provides “a noncriminal form of responsibility for collective entities.” Among the requirements for liability is the offence was committed “in the effect of at least absence of due diligence in electing the natural person [committing the act] or of at least the absence of due supervision over this person by an authority or a representative of the collective entity.”

    According to the relevant Polish legislative history, “the perpetration of a prohibited act by a natural person will trigger liability of the
    collective entity where the act occurred as a result of negligence on the part of the authority or representative of the collective entity.”


    Portuguese law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on June 9, 2001.

    Under Portuguese law relevant to corruption in international business transactions, legal persons can be liable for conduct committed “on their behalf and in the collective interest by natural persons occupying a leadership position within the legal person structure” or by “whoever acts under the authority” of such natural persons.

    However, “[t]he liability of legal persons and equivalent entities is excluded when the actor has acted against the orders or express instructions of the person responsible.”


    Swedish law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on July 1, 1999.

    Under Swedish Law, only natural persons can commit crimes. However, pursuant to the Swedish Penal Code, a “kind of quasi-criminal liability is applied to an ‘entrepreneur’ (a general term meaning “any natural or legal person that professionally runs a business of an economic nature) for a ‘crime committed in the exercise of business activities.’”

    However, one requirement under the Penal Code is that “the entrepreneur has not done what could reasonable be required of him for prevention of the crime.”


    Swiss law implementing the OECD Convention entered into force on May 1, 2000.

    Article 100quater of the Swiss Criminal Code requires “defective organisation as a condition for corporate criminal liability.”

    In order to incur criminal liability, “the enterprise must not have taken all reasonable and necessary organisational measures to prevent the individual from committing the offence.”

    Under Swiss law, the burden is on the prosecutor to furnish proof of defective organization and according to Swiss authorities contacted by the OECD “steps should be taken to assess whether employees have been sufficiently informed, supervised and controlled” and “the fact that an enterprise is organised in compliance with international management standards will not be sufficient to rule out all liability on its part; it will be one element to take into consideration among others …”. In the view of Swiss authorities, “ shifting the burden of proof in criminal cases would contravene Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights.”

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